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Q: What makes people create works of art?
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Why did Keith Haring create art in the pop art style?

True, Keith Haring's works of art do resemble art in the pop art style, however his object was different. His works of art were politically charged, and he (clearly) used a graffiti approach to his works.

What makes art such an essential part of the renaissance?

It makes art a huge thing back then cause they loved all of the Roman and Greek works of art.

What does Artists sometimes do this in order to create large scale works of art?

collaborate : )

What is the common concern of artists when they create works of art?

No one else will like it.

What are the characteristics of an artist?

An artist makes works to display in an art gallery.

A raconteur is a person who might sit around relating?

Relating works of literature or art, yes. Relating to other people, maybe. They connect works using synthesis and create a sense of ethos from it. Or vignettes.

What makes pop art different from other art?

works of pop art refer to commercial culture while works of new media are about everyday life and so are easier to relate to. plato..

How did periods of war change the way people create and understand art?

i farted i dont know

Why do people all over the world create works of art?

Some art, such as paintings are created to express oneself. Other works are made for utility. For example, in the prehistoric days, pots and pans, which are considered art, were made to cook with. Other art, like statues, scrolls, and paintings, can be for religious worship, prayer, and in hopes for a good afterlife. Take a look at Egyptian art for examples of this.

What art works did Roy Lichtenstein create between 1950-1997?

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What famous art works did roy lichtenstein create in 1999-2000?

None. He died in 1997