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rocks clay wood

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Q: What materials were used to build chichen itza?
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magnify glass
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How many people were used to build the Chichen Itza?

None. Stones were used to build Chichen Itza, not people.

What is the materials did they use for the chichen itza?

they used gold an others

What is the ruins of chichen itza?

The ruins of chichen itza are a series of stone building that were used during the time that they occupied that area.

What type of rock was the chichen itza made up of?

Chichen Itza was primarily made up of limestone rock. The ancient Maya used limestone as the main building material for their structures, including the famous pyramids at Chichen Itza.

What was chichen itza used for?

it was used for sacrifice, i think hi

Who used to live in the chichen itza?

Chichen Itza are the ruins of an ancient Mayan city and place of worship. Currently, it is the site of archaeological digs and a tourist spot.

Why did the mayans use wood?

they used wood for chichen itza

What do people use Chichen Itza for?

It used to be a Mayan city-state and was an important trade and religious center (600-1200 AD). Nowadays, it is the location of some ruins and an archaeological site.

What materials are used to build a stadium and why are these materials used?

the materials used to build the truning torso are, medal frames . aluminum wood , glass and i dont know , just those ,,, ^^^

What materials were used to build Tenochtitlan?

The materials are the following:woodstonedirtgold

What do the anasazi descendants believe about the ruins?

They tend not to believe that they were used as housing, but as ceremonial buildings, much as Chichen Itza in Mexico was. The inside walls of the ruins are marked with ceremonial spirals that show the tracking of the sun throughout the day and the seasons.

Materials used to build a birdcage?

There are many different types of materials that can be used to build a birdcage including metal and wood.