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Screen print.

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Q: What media did Andy Warhol use the most?
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Related questions

What object did Andy Warhol use?

. Warhol worked with paint, silk screening, ink drawings and video. He is probably most

What methods did Andy Warhol use?

Andy Warhol was a pop-art artist. His favorite method was silkscreen.

Did Andy Warhol use woodcut?

No, he did not.

How was Andy Warhol's art made Did he use media?

Yes, every artist uses media! Media is simply what the artist used to create their masterpiece's. Media can be anything, really. Andy mainly Andy stuck to silkscreening. He used such things like - silkscreen ink - synthetic polymer paint -gesso -screenprint -wall paper

What styles of art did Andy Warhol use?

All his artworks come under the heading of Pop Art.

What paint did Andy warhol use to paint Marilyn Monroe?

Andy used acrylic

What technics dose Andy Warhol use?

its called printing.

What techniques did Andy Warhol use?

silkscreen painting/printing

What styles did Andy warhol use?

He mostly used pop art.

A list of artists who use repetition?

Andy Warhol, MC Escher...

What materials did Andy warhol use for his Marilyn Monroe painting?


What did Andy Warhol use absolute vodka for?

Probably for drinking.