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He tried to use new types of paint, which did not last.

Normally, the way a painting like this would have been done would be a "fresco". That means that the plaster is made wet, and then the painting is done on the wet plaster. When the plaster dries, the paint is sort of intermingled with the plaster and it's nice and permanent. However, that type of painting is limited in its colors and can't be retouched. When the plaster dries, you're stuck.

Leonardo wanted to experiment with a new style he had invented - tempera (egg yolk and vinegar) plus oil painting on dry plaster. That way he could use more colors and redo portions if necessary. The painting took him four years to complete - 1495 to 1498. His patrons were furious at the delay but Leonardo refused to go any more quickly.

Unfortunately, Leonardo's style experiment was a disaster. The paint on The Last Supper almost immediately began falling off the plaster. The humidity was causing the paint to separate from the plaster on which it had been painted. Whole pieces of paint fell off the wall. Over the years, the piece has been vandalized and nearly fell apart completely


First of all, the table is linear and not the three-sided triclinium in popular use in the culture of that day. As the Master of ceremonies, Jesus would have sat near one end, with John and Judas Iscariot on either hand, and not in the center as shown by Leonardo-besides which, John would have had great difficulty in whispering across to Peter as he did, at the opposite end of a conventional table.

Secondly, the disciples are sitting upright, when The Bible makes clear that they reclined-not only the correct custom when partaking a Passover meal, but ample explanation of the ease with which Jesus washed their feet and the ability of the apostle John simply to lean over and recline in Jesus' bosom.

Thirdly, Passover is celebrated after sunset on a full moon, whereas the painting unashamedly shows daylight outside the windows, suggesting an Italian luncheon rather than a sacred observance conducted in Jerusalem and held in accordance with God's holy commandment.

Then there is the question of the menu-depicted by Leonardo as crusty loaves and fishes. That little quasi-religious touch may have gone down well in a monk's refectory but would have appalled the real participants who solemnly partook of unleavened bread (Matzot) and lamb.

So, let's summarize. Wrong table, wrong time, wrong seating arrangement, wrong menu.

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