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the idea of democracy... to remove the rule of the nobles and to support a society where all citizens are treated equals. a society without nobility and clergy.

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Q: What new ideology did the french revolution and napoleon encourage?
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Did Napoleon represent the beginning or the end of the French Revolution?

Napoleon marks the end of the French Revolution.

How did napoleon embrace the ideology of the french revolution?

It was probably Napoleon's most important contribution to the modern world, because it stated that all men were equal and that they had the right to worship as they choseand also the right to choose whatever occupation they desired. This law code advanced theideals of the French Revolution.

Did napoleon start the french revolution?

No, Napolean did not start the French Revolution, he came after.

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Why is napoleon significant with the french revolution?

I believe he was the leader of The French Army during the French Revolution.

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In the immediate aftermath of the French Revolution Napoleon became the First Consul and then the Emperor of the French. After his exile King Louis XVIII became the King.

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The French Revolution ends with Napoleon's coup against the Directory.

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How did the French Revolution affect Napoleon?

He ended it.

How did Napoleon impact the French Revolution?

he didn't

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The most heroic figure of the French revolution was Napoleon, who defended the revolution from foreign intervention.