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Q: What new science were surrealists inspired by?
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What inspired Vance Coffman to study science?

the launching of Sputnik first inspired him to study science.

Which artist was inspired by science?

Many artists have been inspired by science, but you are probably thinking of Leonardo daVinci.

What did surrealists consult for inspiration?

Their dreams.

What did the surrealists use as a source of subject matter for their art?

The declared intention of the Surrealists was to use dreams and the unconscious as the source of their inspiration and subjects.

Surrealists consulted for inspiration?

Classical form

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What do Dali and Miro have in common?

They were both Catalan surrealists

Who inspired Dali and how?

Dali's skills of painting are often accredited to the influence of Renaissance masters. He was deeply influenced by Sigmund Freud's writings about the unconscious and dreams. Also his association with the French Surrealists influenced him but he was eventually disliked by many in this group.

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What inspired Sally Ride to be an astronaut?

She always was interested in science.

What influence did Galileo have on the catholic church?

He inspired it to involve science in their teachings

How did Sally Ride become interested in science and space?

Her teacher had inspired her.