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Pregnancy. The enlarged uterus will shift the apex of the heart.

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Q: What normal variation may affect the location of the apical pulse?
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What normal variation may affect the location of the apical impulse?

obesity, thick chest wall, and large breast tisssue

Which normal variation may effect the location of the apical pulse?

Aging, and also the pulse is found under the 4th rib in babies instead of the 5th

What is the normal rhythm of the apical beat?

pattern of stress oand unstress ...

What is the normal apical pulse of an 18 month old?

12o - 160

In normal conditions is the apical pulse the same as the radial pulse?

NO. the difference between the Apical and Radial pulse is known as the pulse deficit. There should be some difference between the twon.

How does the mean affect the graph of a normal distribution?

It determines the location of the graph: left or right - but not its shape.

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When is equivalent variation greater than the Compensated variation When also is compensated variation be greater than the equivalent variation?

When goods are normal, CV > EV.

What is an anova test?

An ANOVA is an analysis of the variation present in an experiment. It is a test of the hypothesis that the variation in an experiment is no greater than that due to normal variation of individuals' characteristics and error in their measurement.

What is the definition of the word abnormal?

It means unusual or a variation from normal. "Ab" means "not", so not normal.

Compare the concetps of diversity and variation?

Variation and diversity are synonyms. They mean a marked difference or deviation from the normal or recognized form, function, or structure.

What is the medical term meaning wandering away from normal location?

Ectopic is the medical term meaning away from normal location.