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Vincent Van Gogh had several jobs throughout his life. His first job was as an art dealer at the Hague. He became bored easily, so he became a teacher, then a pastor. Finally, he became an artist.

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Other than a pastor what jobs did Vincent van Gogh's father have?

That was his only job.

What motivates Vincent Van Gogh?

His wish to do something worthwhile after having failed in other jobs.

What influenced Vincent van Gogh to paint?

That he had failed keeping other jobs and wanted to succeed in something.

How did Vincent van Gogh get involved in the arts?

He had failed in other jobs, so he wanted to do something useful.

Why did Vincent van Gogh study art?

Because he wanted to do something worthwhile after failing in other jobs.

Why did Vincent van gogh start studying art?

Because he wanted to do something worthwhile after failing in other jobs.

What where some of the factors that impacted on Vincent van Gogh becoming a full time working artist?

Mainly the fact that he has tried other jobs but failed.

What inspired Vincent van gogh to become an artist?

He wanted to do something worth while after having failed in different jobs. Vincent Van Gogh did it to express himself in ways people could see and understand.

How many jobs did Vincent van Gogh have?

Quite a few, but he is most well known for his paintings :)

How many paintings did van gouh sell in his lifetime?

well when Van Gogh was alive he sold only one painting, and it was the 'The Red Vineyard' and was sold for 400 Francs, or $1,600, to Anna Boch, the sister of the Belgian painter Eugene Boch, whose portrait Vincent had painted earlier.

Why was Vincent van gogh going through depression?

He had tried other jobs and failed. As a painter nobody wanted his paintings. And he had inherited some mental disorder from his mother's family.

Who was Vincent van Gogh's friend?

His brother, who kept sending him money. Vincent had few other friends.