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Venus, Earth, Mars, and Triton (Neptune's largest moon) have carbon dioxide in their atmospheres.

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Q: What solar system bodies have atmospheres containing carbon dioxide?
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Related questions

How the atoms of carbon and oxygen in the carbon dioxide got into our bodies in the first place?

The air which we are breathing is containing about 20% ofcarbon dioxide which got into our bodies while breathing.

Which solar system bodies have atmospheres contain carbon dioxide?

*This may be suspect to change Triton (Neptune's largest moon), Venus, Earth, and Mars.

What planet is dominated by carbon dioxide?

Venus and Mars both have atmospheres dominated by carbon dioxide. Both are composed of more than 90% carbon dioxide.

Which solar bodies have atmospheres made of carbon?

The main bodies to have atmospheres that include carbon are, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Titan. Titan is a moon orbiting Saturn. The gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have mainly hydrogen atmospheres.

What carbon containing containing compound can produce carbon dioxide?

Many organic chemicals when combusted in oxygen can create Carbon dioxide and water

Where does carbon dioxide originate?

Carbon dioxide is the result of burning carbon or carbon containing materials.

What planet's atmosphere is most carbon dioxide?

There are two such planets, Mars and Venus. Venus has a much thicker atmosphere than Mars, but both atmospheres are about 95% carbon dioxide.

Which two planets have atmospheres composed mostly carbon dioxide include?

Mars and Venus

What is a compound containing carbon called?

carbon-dioxide (carbon+oxygen) CO

Why is planet earth the only planet with air?

It depends on how you define air. Other planets in the solar system have atmospheres, but they have different compositions from Earth's atmosphere, which may or may not be called air. The gas planets have atmospheres made mostly of hydrogen and helium while Venus and Mars have atmospheres made mostly of carbon dioxide. The air we are familiar with is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. When Earth was young it likely had a carbon dioxide atmosphere as well, but through photosynthesis algae took carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere are replaced it with oxygen. More carbon dioxide was removed in bodies of water and deposited as carbonate rocks. The nitrogen, already present in the atmosphere, remained.

What is a carbons containing compound?

carbon-dioxide (carbon+oxygen) CO

Carbon dioxide is changed into carbon-containing foods by the process of what?
