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A mixture of protein and lipid. It's called the waxy outer layer and is located on the outside of the organism.

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Q: What substances makes an arthropods exoskeleton repel water and where is this sustance located?
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Where is the ganglia located in arthropods?

The Nervous System

Why does an arthropods sea shell live where it does?

The question might presume facts not in evidence. A sea shell itself is not a living thing but a structure, outgrowth, or excretion of a marine mollusc (pylum Mollusca) and by definition a different phylum from the arthropods (phylum Arthropoda). Having said that, there is at least one crustacean (grouped under arthropods), the hermit crab, which exploits discarded sea shells for purposes of protection. In a loose sense, the exoskeleton of marine organisms like the crab or lobster (both arthropods) might be termed 'shells', and the answer to why the shell is so located might be, both to provude structural integrity (having no internal skeleton) and, like molluscs, for defense (armor).

Animals that have a skeleton located on the outside of their body have what kind of skeleton?

This is called an exoskeleton.

A skeleton located on the outside of the body as in some animals i called an?

it is called exoskeleton

Where is the Florida State Collection Of Arthropods in Gainesville Florida located?

The address of the Florida State Collection Of Arthropods is: Po Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614-7100

What body part is located near the intestine in arthropods and functions to cleanse the blood?

malpighian tubules

Do scorpions have back bones?

They do not have backbones. Scorpions are part of the invertebrate family, which include arthropods, mulloscs, Annelids and poriferans. Invertebrate means that they don't have backbones. Some arthropods have exoskeletons, but none in all of the invertebrates have an internal skeleton.

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What is the body covering of a grasshopper?

The exoskeleton is divided into section with flexible joints that allows movement more easily, this exoskeleton makes up the integumentary system of the grasshopper. The skeleton of humans and other mammals is located internally, and the integumentary system includes the skin.

What do insects have on their heads?

A main characteristic of all insects is a pair of antennae located on their heads. They are the sensing organs in arthropods.

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What body part is located near the intestine in arthopods and functions to cleanse the blood?

The malpighian tubule system is located near the intestine of arthropods. The function of the malpighian tubule system is excretory.