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An albatross flying upside down means you're trying to find your way.

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Q: What tattoo means lost?
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What does a red teardrop tattoo mean?

means that that person has lost a loved one. regardless of color of the tear drop.

What does the tattoo tear means to lil Wayne?

The 1 on his right is for the people he killed and the 2 on the left is for the people that he lost the he Loved

What does the tattoo of queen of diamonds mean?

The meaning of a tattoo on a person's body could have a meaning that only the person that has the tattoo knows. In Russian prisons the tattoo of a diamond under the eye is applied by force. The meaning is that the person is an informant.

What is the meaning of a wand tattoo?

'Wand tattoo' is German and means wall tattoo.

What does a teardrop tattoo mean?

it means you killed someone or tried or you lost a loved one. Many people think it means that the person has killed someone but that's NOT true. The teardrop means the person has lost someone they have loved. (hence the teardrop represents sadness and grief)

What does jack's tattoo mean in lost?

He has a lot of tatoos, the one on his left shoulder in Chinese means "He walks among us, but he's not one of us."

What does a catfish tattoo symbolize?

Any tattoo on any person's body has it's own unique meaning, even if in some remote way, to that individual. A catfish tattoo could be dedicated to a family member that loved fishing, or it could be in memory of the good old days with a long lost friend. It's really hard to put a finger on exactly what a tattoo means. It really would be impossible to say what exactly this catfish tattoo means without asking the person with the ink.

What is a tattoo that means life?

A tattoo that means life is one that spells Life across a certain area of your body.

Where should you get a swallow tattoo if you lost a family member?

your ankle

What does a lips tattoo mean?

The frequent lips tattoo means absolutely nothing for some, and maybe something for others. Some people use it as a statement for a last kiss received by someone they may have lost or left. To some, it can mean they get kissed alot. And to others, it simply means you like the way it looks.

What does a tattoo of an eye with a teardrop coming from it mean?

It means that you have a tattoo of an eye with a teardrop...

What does a headless dragon tattoo mean?

It means the tattoo artist did not finish his or her work.