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the uneven heat distribution between the plate tectonics

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The Pacific oceanic plate slipped under the Asian continental plate, resulting in an effect called subduction.

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Q: What type of fault caused the Tangshan earthquake?
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What type of fault caused the 1556 shaanxi earthquake in china?

A normal fault caused the 1556 Shaanxi earthquake.

What type of fault is Shakespeare Bridge which was caused by northridge earthquake?

normal fault and reverse fault.

What type of fault caused the rat islands earthquake?

On February 4th, 1965, a reverse fault caused the Rat Islands Earthquake, Alaska, at 5:01 A.M.

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The Great Kanto earthquake was a oceanic to continental

What type of fault was the 1960 Valdivia earthquake caused by?

a reverse fault, a fault in which the faults push together. rocks above the fault move up. ex. the Himalayas

What type of fault is associated with the 1964 earthquake in alaska?

the fault that is assicuated with the 1964 earthquake in Alaska is a reverse fault

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In all likelihood it was a thrust fault, as most seismicity in New England is associated with thrust faulting.

What is the type of fault that caused the 2004 earthquake in northern sumatra indonisia?

—Strike-Slip Fault =>the two plates slide past one another in opposite directions

What type of fault is the 1994 Northridge earthquake on?

It is a THRUST fault The San Andreas Fault

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Which type of location is earthquake risk the greattest?

On a fault line. For example, California is on the San Andreas fault, and as such is very earthquake prone.

What type of stress and what type of fault caused the Chilean earthquake?

Compressive stress which led to thrust faulting at a convergent boundary where subduction is occurring. Please see the related question for more information.