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Pablo Picasso had many types of line such as straight, benndy, and horizontal lines.

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Q: What type of lines did Pablo Picasso use in his painting 'The Actor'?
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What is one difference between Pablo Picasso's painting of Ambrose Vollard and Edward Hopper's painting nighthawks convey space?

They are two completely different paintings. One is a portrait, while the other is more of a scene. Additionally, Edward Hopper creates depth with light and dark contrasts and clean lines. Picasso's painting technique is more fragmented shapes.

Where did the mosaic originate from?

Picasso, after his poor sight, and poor judgement in painting of lines, etc.

What does the picture that Pablo Picasso painted for Don Quixote depict?

The painting Picasso created for "Don Quixote" depicts the character Don Quixote and his sidekick Sancho Panza on horseback. Picasso's modernist style and use of bold lines and colors bring a sense of movement and expression to the characters. The painting captures the essence of the novel's themes of idealism and adventure.

Where was Pablo Piccaso from?

Pablo Picasso is probably the most famous artist of the 20th century. He was born in Malaga Spain on October 5, 1881. He died on April 8, 1973. Picasso painted in many styles, including Cubism and Expressionism. Becausehe could work in multiples styles, Picasso became very famous. he uesd great lines and color in his paintings.

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In Picasso's work, "Les Demoiselles D'Avignon", the figures can be descibed as?

Why did Picasso mess you the faces when he painted?

to express emotion in depths with painting from different angles and emarge them into one. its technique he used to create a meaning in his work. and to show how he represented his style with pleasure.

Where is the three musicians by Pablo Picasso?

Museum of Modern Art, New York City

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How did Picasso show his feelings in his paintings?

His derived forms of lines in the artwork make me quite sexual. One time I saw 'Harlequin with violin' and instantly felt the urge to stroke my urethra and when I did I almost came instantaneously. When i measured the amount of semen i had produced it was over a quarter cup, I was quite astonished but not surprised.

What Makes a Painting a Painting?

Good lines and meaning. Skillful art that is accurate.

How was the weeping woman distorted?

he used sharp lines to create the impression that she is weeping and sad. Picasso painted this picture to show his grief towards the pictures of the bombings in the civil war shown in the newspaper.

What actor has the most lines in the play Macbeth?

The person with the most lines in the play is macbeth