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Major Arterial bleeds are the most detrimental.

The reason is that while all major venal and arterial bleeds are exceedingly detrimental to the patient the Arterial bleed carries with it the additional risk of oxygen deprivation. A vein, whether major or minor, is essentially carrying waste for disposal and is akin to a sewer break. An artery however not only carries the same issues of blood pressure drop and possible build up of pressure on an internal bleed that a vein does but also deprives the organ or organs that the artery fed of precious oxygen which leads to the additional risk of tissue damage and tissue death with its attendant complications. This is why a heart attack is so deadly, because the loss of blood flow leads to the death of heart muscle, which then cascades into less ability to pump to itself and the rest of the body for instance.

In specific bleeds and Aortic rupture or bleed is the most detrimental. The Aorta is the main distribution artery for the entire body and a bleed there immediately impacts the brain, lungs, heart and all parts of the body.

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Q: What types of bleeding would be most detrimental to the patient?
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