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Artemis was the great Olympian goddess of hunting, wilderness and wild animals.

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Q: What was Artemis the god of and what was her purpose?
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Is Artemis half god or a god?

Artemis is a whole goddess.

What does Artemis do as a god?

Artemis was the god of the hunt, as well as was a maiden goddess.

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What Artemis realm?

what is the purpose

What god had dominion over Artemis?

Artemis was a goddess herself. No other god had control over her.

Who is the god of childbirth?

I'm not sure if there is a god of childbirth but the goddess of childbirth is Artemis.

What is the god Artemis creator of?

Artemis was the Greek goddess of the moon.

What was Artemis a god of?


What was the Greek god Artemis weapon?

Artemis weapon was a bow and arrows.

How did Artemis come into being?

Artemis was immortal from her birth. Artemis was born of the god Zeus and the goddess Leto. The twin of Artemis is Apollo.

What is the greek god Artemis's roman name?

Er...Artemis is a GODDESS. Artemis's Roman name is Diana.

Is the god of the hunt Artemis a minor god?

No, Artemis was an Olympian goddess. The Olympians are the main Greek gods, so that would make Artemis a major (not minor) goddess.