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Q: What was life in Pablo Picasso hometown and country like at this time?
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Pablo Picasso what were the years of his life?

Picasso lived 1881 - 1973.

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Where did Pablo Picasso get his great ideas from?

From his life.

What event affected Pablo Picasso life?

A lot of different things, such as the bombing of Guernica in his childhood country of Spain

What was Pablo Picasso's life like?

Very good.

Did Pablo Picasso have a tragedy in his life?

Yes, his sister died of diphtheria when Pablo was young.

Where was Pablo Picasso Still Life with Guitar produced?

Picasso's Still Life with Guitar was painted in Paris in 1922.

What is Pablo Picasso's hair colour?

As long as he had any it was black.

What did Pablo Picasso express through still life with guitar?


In which year was 'Still Life on Pedestal Table' by Pablo Picasso painted?

In 1931.

What is Pablo Picasso's Major Achievements in During Life?

he was an artist and became famous