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to create a church that exhibited class and wealth


to capture the splendor of the heavens with light


to create new and improved beauty


all of the above

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Q: What was the focus of art and architecture during the Gothic period?
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What does Opus francigenum refer to?

Opus francigenum refers to "French work," a style of high Gothic architecture that developed in France in the 13th century. It is characterized by elaborate ornamentation, intricate detailing, and a focus on verticality in design. This architectural style influenced many buildings across Europe during the medieval period.

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Brunelleschi's church of San Lorenzo is characterized by its Renaissance architecture, featuring harmonious proportions, classical elements, and a emphasis on geometric forms. In contrast, Gothic churches typically have pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, and intricate stained glass windows. The focus of Brunelleschi's design was on clarity, simplicity, and symmetry, in contrast to the verticality and complexity of Gothic architecture.

The focus of Greek art during the Archaic period was?

the human figure and motion.

What did artists who painted the international gothic style do?

The main focus of Gothic artists was to communicate religious messages to the public. Most Gothic art was found in churches and other large buildings.

Which on of these is a feature of the international gothic style?

One feature of the international Gothic style is a focus on naturalistic details in artwork, such as intricate textiles, foliage, and animals.

What subjects were the people in the Renaissance interested in?

During the Renaissance, people were interested in a wide range of subjects including arts, sciences, philosophy, literature, and politics. There was a focus on humanism, the exploration of the natural world, and the revival of classical ideals. The period saw advancements in areas such as art, architecture, astronomy, anatomy, and exploration.

How are romantic and gothic literature related Apex?

Romantic and Gothic literature are related as both genres emerged during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and share themes of intense emotion, the supernatural, and a focus on individual experience and imagination. Gothic literature is often seen as a subgenre of Romanticism, characterized by its darker and more macabre elements, while Romantic literature tends to emphasize nature, emotion, and the supernatural.

What was Louis daguerre focus in school?

He was an apprentice of architecture, theatre design, and panoramic painting.

In the pit and the pendulum what ways are there gothic influences?

"The Pit and the Pendulum" showcases gothic influences through its dark and eerie setting in a dungeon, the themes of torture and fear, and the elements of suspense and supernatural elements. The story's focus on the protagonist's psychological torment and the oppressive atmosphere contribute to its gothic tone.

The focus of Greek art during archaic period was?

The human figure and motion.

How can I design architecture?

Architecture is a major. While you study, you will be exposed to various types of architecture and architecture for a variety of purposes. As you progress through your studies, you may focus your studies on designing homes, office buildings, hospitals, prisons, monuments, city planning, etc. How you proceed is up to you.

Look at this painting by Robert Campin. This painting demonstrates what feature that characterized the International Gothic style?

A focus on daily life. ( apex )