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Q: What was the nickname is the nickname of the political party that called for stricter citizenship laws?
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What was the nickname of the political party that called for stricter citizenship laws?

the Know-Nothing party

What was the nickname of the political party that called for stricter laws?

the Know-Nothing party

Political party formed in the 1850s and called for stricter citizenship and immigration laws?

The American Party, nicknamed "The Know-Nothing Party"

What is the study of citizens and government called?

The study of citizenship and government with a focus on the citizens is called Political Science.

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What were the stricter puritans called?

The stricter Puritans were known as the Separatists. They believed in completely separating from the Church of England rather than trying to reform it from within. The Separatists eventually established their own congregations and some later became known as the Pilgrims.

What is civics class?

Civics is the study of the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen. It is a social science, specifically an area of political science, and is often called "Civics and Citizenship". It deals with both the theory and the practice of the duties of citizenship.

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Place of birth as the basis of citizenship is called?

It is called "birthright" when one acquires citizenship based on their place of birth.

Citizenship in the nation boy scouts?

Yes. There is a merit badge called Citizenship in the Nation.

The process that grants immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship is called?

The process that grants immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship is called Naturalization.

What are stricter social and moral standards for women than for men in the 1920s?

it is called a double standard