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Q: What would psychologists today say about Freudian theories of the mind?
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What psychologists would not be considered a Freudian?

The psychologist who didn't practice Freudian psychology.

Is the phallic stage when moral conscience formed?

Your question is based upon the formalism of Freudian psychoanalytical theory, and you should bear in mind that even though Freud made very important progress in the study of human psychology, his theories are no longer taken literally by psychologists. It would be more accurate to say that people develop such moral consciences as they may have (if they do not become narcissists with no conscience) in childhood.

What personality theory would view smoking as a fixation?

Freudian theory

What is the behaviors would some evolutionary psychologists offer as proof of their theory?

Theories in science are supported by evidence and not ' proved. ' That said, one would think that the variation in the sexes mating stratagies would offer some strong cross cultural evidence.

Why is attachment important to childhood development?

this is a very hard question to answer, and the truth is, nobody can know for sure it depends on what approuch you take for example, behaviourist psychologists would argue that because we learn from a reward - punishment process, that sharing a bond is both a a reward in itself, and helps to devolop a child's mind by offering support and assisting in the development of the child's mind by showing them right from wrong, and teaching them about the world a social psychologists would claim that it is important because we; learn from those around us (this explains why we all know most of societies social norms and values, yet haven't necessarily been taught them all formally) but also that children need positive mental reinforcement in order to function properly, and the best form of this is of course, a loving relationship biological psychologists would simply say that it is'nt there are more theories, but i cba to put them all and I'm not 100% sure about the psychodinamic (aka Freudian) approach, nor what cognitive psychologists have to say on the topic... sorry hope this helped a little bit

What are the disadvantages of psychoanalysis?

Classical or Freudian psychoanalysis is rarely done today because it is a very time intensive therapy, sometimes involving several sessions a week for several years. Not many insurance companies would be enthused about providing funds for this kind of treatment.

What psychologists would have been most likely to use introspection?


What do psychologists look for in their patients?

Psychologists will look for signs of mental illness in their patients. This would include looking for depressive or manic behavior, along with the patient reporting delusions or hallucinations.

What does it mean if your mother dreamed you were pregnant with a boy?

Actually, a very Freudian interpretation would suggest that your mother has been suffering from dickus insufficienis

What are the strengths and weaknesses in psychological theories of crime?

This would depend on which theory you are going off of. Each of the theories have merits and demerits to why they would be the best.

What type of doctor would deal with neurotransmitters?

Those doctors would mostly be psychiatrists/psychologists, neurologists, ENTs.

What kind of people would be interested in psychology?

I suppose there are psychologists and probably a few others.