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The artform has been around as long as the Polynesian people. They are considered by many to be the originators of tattooing.

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Q: When Did Polynesian Tattoos Start?
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What does a sea urchin tattoo symbolise?

According to my book on polynesian tattoos,they are used to symbolise light in darkness.

What does the hawaiian tattoos mean?

There are two types of tattoos used in the Polynesian culture. The first one is a Etua, which is religious. The second one is called Enata, which is linked to an individual's own origin or identity.

Where in the world did tattoos originate?

It is unclear where tattoos originated although some believe they began in Polynesian countries there is mention of tattos even in the Bible. Find out a breif history of tattos at

How could one learn the meanings of Hawaiian tattoos?

Hawaiian tattoos, like the tattoos of many different cultures have a vast variety of meaning and long cultural history. A good source of information would be your local library to check if they have any books about Hawaiian culture or the website A Polynesian Tattoo has information on the subject.

What does a hawaiian tattoo mean?

Most Hawaiian tattoos are called Maori, or Polynesian tattooing. It is a form of tattooing that was made famous by the Hawaiian tribes and is considered to be part of their culture.

Where is a good place to look at tattoos of sparrows?

Two places to start looking are: * The internet. Do an image search for "sparrow tattoos". * Your local tattoo parlor. They will probably have something to start with.

Are hawaiians micronesian or polynesian?


Where did the word tattoo originate from?

Tattoo is actually a combination of two words from the Polynesian language. The word "Tata" means to tap repeatedly by hand. The word "Au" means color. Due to the way that tattoos are traditionally given, sailors travelling through the polynesian islands would ask for "Tata" "Au". Therefore evolving into one word known as "Tattoo".

Did tattoos on the knuckles start in jail?

The answer is quite simple... Nope :)

What original language did tattoo come form?

The word "tattoo" was first introduced to Europeans from a sailor who heard it from polynesian languages such as Marquesan, Tahitian, and Samoan. Tattoos themselves were introduced to Europeans by sailors as well.

Who settled the polynesian islands?

Polynesian seafarers.

What is the largest Polynesian gang?

Polynesian Warriors Nation is one of the largest Polynesian street gangs.