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Q: When Leonardo DA Vince draw the first airplane?
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No it was Leonardo Da Vince. Michelangelo did not draw the Mona Lisa. It was drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci. And it was not drawn but painted in oil.

First person to accurtely draw the heart?

it was Leonardo Da Vinci

How do you make an airplane on sketchpad?

first you have to eat a donut and then you draw a donut and then you go to the bathroom

Who draw a picture of monalisa?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Did Leonardo a Vinci draw a lot?


What did Leonardo da Vinci use to draw?

he used a quill to write and carcoal to draw

How can you draw monalisa picture?

Leonardo da Vinci

When did Leonardo da Vinci draw his crossbow?

About 1485.

Where can you find an easy to draw a portrait of Leonardo?

The attached link about Leonardo da Vinci may provide you what you requested

Why did Leonardo draw himself?

Most artists have. It is good training.

What year did Leonardo draw the fierce dragon?

In 1512 or 1513.

What are some things can you draw for a?

apple, alligator, or airplane