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Q: When did the Nazis invade Jersey?
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Did Nazis invade Denmark?


Did the Nazis invade franc?

Yes, they conquered it.

At what time did the Nazis invade Holl and?

they invaded sometime

What the Battle of Britain prevented the Nazis from doing?

Invade Britain .

Where did the Nazis invade during the Holocaust?

nowhere, the Holocaust was not a military action

How did great Britain come under nazi rule?

Whist the Nazis did not invade the British Mainland there are recorss of the channel islands being occupied (Jersey and Gurnsey).Apart from this Britain was never under Nazi rule

Why did the Nazis try to invade England?

Because they wanted to control all of Europe.

What did are army do after japanees invaded Poland?

The Japanese did not invade Poland. The Nazis did. We were not in the war at that time.

When did the Nazis try to invade England?

Hitler canceled his plans to invade England after he considered he would not be able to fight Russia and England at the same time.

When did the Nazis invade in World War 2?

Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.

Did Adolph Hitler invade Austria first?

No the Nazis invaded Poland first, which started the war.

Why didn't Nazis invade Ireland?

Because Ireland is an island nation which is rather far from the shore of Europe, and, all in all, the Nazis wouldn't really gain much from invading.