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Every question and answer at WikiAnswers is contributed to by regular visitors like you. It's all co-operative. We depend on you to ask questions, and we also depend on you to help answer other people's questions. Most questions will get a reply from a nice person, supervisor, expert, or regular user who can at least point you in the right direction, if not give you a definitive answer.

All WikiAnswers questions are asked and answered by visitors just like you. It is highly unlikely that all the questions here will ever be answered right away since:

  • Thousands of new questions are asked every day.
  • Some questions are virtually unanswerable.

Yes. Some questions on WikiAnswers get answered. This one just did.

A tip for getting your question answered is to make sure that it is in the correct category, and the question is grammatically correct.
Of the four questions (including this one) you posted - two were answered fairly quickly. The question 'What is permanetly froaen subsoil called' - contained two spelling errors which you should have corrected before you submitted it. Your final question (this one) has obviously now been answered !

You must remember this is not a livewebsite - it's a forum. You need to be patient to wait for someone to log-on and actually read your question before they can answer it !

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= WikiAnswers = is a Q and A wiki,If you ever had a question, go to Wikianswers and type what is the question. Many questions can be answered. Sometimes people will answer the question that you asked or you will wait a few days for the question to be answered or people will immediately answer it. if you sigh up, it will send you an email when the question is answered.

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No, this question isn't going unanswered. It is being answered to fulfill the goal of WikiAnswers, which is to answer every question asked on WikiAnswers.

Is this question is going to be unanswered?

No, this question isn't going unanswered. It is being answered to fulfill the goal of WikiAnswers, which is to answer every question asked on WikiAnswers.

Why does WikiAnswers not alert you when your question has been answered?

WikiAnswers does alert you when a question you asked has been answered. At the home page and on question pages, the bell used for notifications at the top-right of the page will have a red notification box to let you know about questions you've asked that have been answered.

What does 'Enter a question here' mean on WikiAnswers?

"Enter a question here" is the box for you to ask your new question on WikiAnswers, or to ask questions that may have already been asked and answered.

How many days since 1-1-1990?

As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.As of the day the question was asked and answered, the answer is 8149 days.

What does it mean when answers sends you and email saying If you have a new answer?

What it means is that you if you have asked a question on WikiAnswers, and someone answers it WikiAnswers will send you an email notification to let you know someone has answered your question.

What happens when someone has asked an identical question before on WikiAnswers?

If someone has already asked the same question before on WikiAnswers, then you shouldn't ask the question. You should look at the answer already provided there. If there isn't an answer, then you just have to wait until someone answers it. Asking an already asked question should bring up a message, informing you that the question has already been asked and answered.

Does a question have to be answered?

No; no question on WikiAnswers has to be answered if it is denied or trashed by the supervisors.

If you asked a question on WikiAnswers and it doesn't get answered can you ask it again?

If it does not get answered, you just have to wait. If you do ask again,( which is not recommended) it will not get your answer any faster. If your question was spammed, or just plain nonsense, then your question would have been deleted, and it will never have been answered.

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When they have answered a question (probably that you asked) and given you all the information you were looking for.