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Age, high body weight, and water pill usage (diuretics) were each reported to be risk factors for gout. Dr. Shiel's Perspective: This is not really very new information, but encourages doctors and patients to emphasize weight control and to minimize the use of water pills to avoid gout attacks.

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Q: When you have gout of the foot and take a water pill will it get take away the gout attack?
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Will taking a water pill reduce pain when having a gout attack?

No, People with gout should avoid diuretics.

Can gout cause itching?

I was diagnosed with gout last week with my first horribly painful attack on a toe on my left foot. It has been about 7 days since the attack first came about. The itching on that one toe has been intense for the last day. I'm doing a search on the internet for itching & gout. With all that I'm reading, it appears it is quite common to have the intense itching associated with a gout attack.

Does red or white wineaffect gout?

Wines will increase the risk of having a gout attack if you have a predisposition to gout.

Can gout be in your arms?

Gout can attack any joint so it can be found in the joints of your arm.

Why is allopurinol not given in acute attacks of gouty arthritis?

starting allopurinol during an attack can prolong an acute attack of gout or trigger a gout attack due to shifts in uric acid levels.

Is it possible for a chronic gout sufferer to get an attack after a phalangectomy?

Yes any operation increases the risk of a gout attack as it increases the amount of purines that produce uric acid.

What is podagra?

Gout of the foot, esp. the big toe.

Can you take codeine phosphate for gout?

My go gave me panaco during my gout attack. Along with colchicine and prednosolone.

Your right foot is swollen and is a little red on top it hurts from your ankle down hard to walk?

Sounds like Gout. Go to and search for Gout Symptoms to see if that might be the reason. You can also search for Gout Diet. That will tell you what to eat and give you a list of foods to avoid. You'll be able to tell whether you've, recently, eaten any of the bad foods. Your doctor can give you a prescription to make your problem go away in a day or two. Without pills, the gout attack can last a week or longer. My doctor told me to take Advil for the pain and it really works better than aspirin. A good home-remedy is for you to eat Cherries. These can be fresh, canned or Marishino Cherries. You need to eat (at least) five or six every day while you are having the gout attack. Keep your foot warm. Don't use an ice pack, that only makes it worse. Try not to walk, too much. I hope your foot is better, soon.

Does rockmelon cause gout?

Yes it causes an acute attack

Is porridge bad for gout?

it's my first time to have gout. i have no idea what food should i eat while I'm having the attack.

Is rice bad for gout?

it's my first time to have gout. i have no idea what food should i eat while I'm having the attack.