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Started with street kids with no talent spoiling the neighbourhood.

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Q: Where did graffiti art come from?
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Related questions

Is graffiti art or vanalism?

Graffiti is art as long as it is done on the artist's own property or on someone's property who has commissioned the artist to paint their graffiti art there.Graffiti is also an art which people enjoys.

Why is graffiti good to do?

If you are thinking as in art aspect, it's just an art. Graffiti is good as what artist + architect do.

What does the graffiti mean?


What is graffiti now?

Graffiti in the 21st century is becoming a respected art form. Today graffiti artists are some of the most popular on the pop-art scene. Toys and clothing by Kaws and Phetus continually sell out, and exhibits by Elite Gudz and Banksy are talked about in the pop art and graffiti art scenes.

Is graffiti art?

It depends on how you define art, and what graffiti you're talking about. Certainly there is graffiti out there that is amazingly done, beautiful, and completely worthy of the idea of "art." But there is also graffiti out there that is nothing more than a simple tag which, depending on the person viewing it, doesn't really come across as art.

What is the difference between graffiti and graffiti art?

graffiti takes its name from Latin *graphīre to write . There are so many forms of it that just saying it is all graffiti is almost the same as saying any form of music is just noise. Is graffiti art? i would argue that by its definition it is. As far as saying one is breaking the law and the other is artwork , i believe that falls upon local laws not in the name itself. All forms of graffiti are forms of expression and that is by definition art . so your answer is no there is no difference between graffiti and graffiti art

Can graffiti art be vandalism?

it is vandalism

Where did graffiti art originate up my bum?

graffiti art originated in cave man country [men that smell like poo]

Why is graffiti vandalisim?

Graffiti is only vandalism when it is created without commission on private property or in public places where it is not a protected art form. Many cities have laws that protect graffiti in certain places, like Venice Beach and 5Pointz in Queens. Graffiti art itself is not vandalism and is not illegal. There have been several well-known gallery shows featuring graffiti around the world, design houses like Elite Gudz that expand on art form to include fine art and comics, and books that showcase and analyze public street art, and books like The Faith of Graffiti that focus on pieces and graffiti art theory.

Do you consider graffiti an art form Why or why not?

That depends. Some graffiti (e.g. Sheperd Fairey, Banksy) is meant to be art, and it can definitely be considered art. But a person's nickname in bubble letters on the side of a building is not art at all. yes it is quit hating.

What job requires an art skill?


Who created graffiti art?

joseph sherwood