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The septum is located between the left and right ventricles.

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Q: Where is the septum located in the heart?
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What do the septum in the heart do?

The septum does not have a proper function. The septum is the bit that separates the two parts of the heart from one another.

What does the septum do in your heart?

The septum does not have a proper function. The septum is the bit that separates the two parts of the heart from one another.

What separates the left and right of the heart?

septum of the heart divides heart into right and left, that portion of the septum between right and left atria is called (interatrial) septum, while the portion of septum between right and left ventricles is called (interventricular) septum.

What is the wall that separates the heart into two sides?

It is called the interventricular septum.

What thick wall that divides the heart into two sides?

Interventricular septum

What separates the left and the right heart?

septum of the heart divides heart into right and left, that portion of the septum between right and left atria is called (interatrial) septum, while the portion of septum between right and left ventricles is called (interventricular) septum.

Pertaining to the wall between the lower chambers of the heart is?

A septum connects both upper and lower chambers of the heart. This one is the ventricular septum.

What organ system contain septum?

the heart contains the septum

Where a frog's heart located in its body?

the pericardium is a fluid filled sac that cover the heart. it's function is to keep the heart contained inside the the chest cavity, it limits motion, and it prevents the heart from over expanding when the blood volume increases.

Where is a VSD located in the heart?

VSD stands for ventricular septal defect. So a VSD is located in the septum (wall) between the two ventricles.

What is the meanig of septum?

Septum means a partition. It can be a bony septum or a cartilagenous septum as in the nasal cavity. Or a membrane as in case of the foramina in heart during fetal life which can persist after birth at times as septal defects or holes in the heart.

What separates the left and right side of hearts?

The septum.