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Q: Which animal's name comes first in the dictionary?
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What does the term Jilly mean in the Urban dictionary?

The first definition which comes up is "another name for a rolled joint".

What was the Webster dictionary first name?

The first name of the creator of the Webster dictionary was Noah. Noah Webster was an American lexicographer, textbook author, and language reformer who published the first American dictionary in 1828.

What is the name of the first dictionary?


What is the laziest name?

Aaron because its the first name in the dictionary

What is the person name who discovered the first dictionary?

The first comprehensive dictionary in English is often credited to Samuel Johnson, who published "A Dictionary of the English Language" in 1755.

Name the only place in the world where Thursday comes before Wednesday?

Webster`s Dictionary

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How do wild mustangs get there first name?

The word mustang comes from the Mexican-Spanish word mestengo meaning "stray animals that are ownerless."

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Oxford Dictionary comes up with "Tweeny" Skivvy ?

Why is a dictionary called a dictionary?

A dictionary gets its name from "dictionarium," meaning a collection of words or phrases. It serves as a reference source for defining and interpreting words and their meanings.

Where did the name karat come from?

"Where did the name karat come from?" "Karat" comes from "carat" which comes from early Latin "carratus" which meant "bean pod" used for a small unit of measurement. Source Webster's Dictionary.

Where does the name Cori come from?

it comes from a beautiful goddess that is an athletic and sporty girl {coming from the 'i"} usually funny and loves animals... that is what and where the name Cori comes from.