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The right side is the pulmonary circuit.

(The left side is the systemic circuit.)

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Q: Which blood circuit is associated with the right side of the heart?
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What makes up the pulmonary circuit?

The circulation of venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs and back to the left atrium of the heart.

Which side of the heart collects blood from the lungs and pumps it through the body And which circuit is this?

The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs

What chamber of the heart receives venous blood from the systemic circuit?

After it makes its circuit throughout the body, blood must return to the heart. the veins carry the blood back toward the heart via the superior and inferior vena cava. The vena cava empty into the right atrium of the heart to begin the cycle again.

What are the components of the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit?

The components of the pulmonary circuit include the right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary capillaries, and pulmonary veins. This circuit carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs to pick up oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The components of the systemic circuit include the left ventricle, aorta, systemic arteries, systemic capillaries, and systemic veins. This circuit carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

What is the circuit called that blood travels through from the heart from right atrium to left ventricle?

The circulatory system>

Where does the heart muscle get its own blood supply?

The heart is supplied with blood from the superior vena cava (the large vein that flows to the right atrium). This vein carries blood from the systemic circuit (from the body) to the heart so that blood may be oxygenated and recirculated.

What is the blood flow of the pulmonary circuit it reoxygenate blood?

Blood flows from the right atrium of the heart into the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery to the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. From there it flows to the pulmonary vein to the left atrium and ventricle, then to the aorta.

What is pulmonary circuit of the heart?

The pulmonary circuit is powered by the right side of the heart. Its main function is to pump deoxygenated blood which has returned to the heart from the body to the lungs, then back to the heart. The blood is pumped from the heart via the pulmonary artery. The blood is then oxygenated by gas exchange between the alveoli in the lungs and the pulmonary capillaries. The newly oxygenated blood is then returned to the heart by the pulmonary veins, ready to be sent round the body.

Where does the pulmonary circuit carry blood to?

The left and right pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood back to the left atrium of the heart

What is pulmunary circuit?

Pulmonary circulation is when the right ventricle contracts sending blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs to get oxygenated, then back through the pulmonary vein into the left atrium.

Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the?

In the pulmonary circulation, deoxygenated blood leaves the right section of the heart through the pulmonary artery, enters the lungs and oxygenated blood comes through the pulmonary veins. The blood then moves to the left atrium of the heart.

During one cardiac cycle the major difference between the left and the right halves of the heart is that the?

the r.v. pumps blood through the short, high resistance pulmonary circuit