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Q: Which flying mammal makes sounds that humans are unable to hear?
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What mammal makes sounds people cant hear?

Bats. They are blind and use echolocation to navigate when they are flying. They emit high pitched sounds humans ears are unable to hear. The sound frequency in a human voice is too low pitched for them to hear.

What kind of animal is Domo?

domo is a mixed species of mammal and bird. however, domo is mostly mammal. he came from an egg which makes him part bird. but with no feathers and unable to fly, he is a mammal. he is not an animal but a tame, sweet, monster.

If humans didn't have a balancing act would humans die?

Unable to stand, unable to properly move, yes.

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Unidentified Flying Objects are objects which we are, by definition, unable to identify, and thus we will have no idea as to how they are able to fly.

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Unable to tell without an analysis, but it sounds like you may need a softener system.unable to tell without an analysis but it sounds like you need a softener system.

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ATP for humans is very "able."

Are penguins really unable to fly?

Yes. I mean they can't fly. But they swim in a motion similar to flying

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I'm unable to comply with that request.

Why do animals not have a sense of humor?

They do, it's just that they are unable to be as expressive with their emotions as humans are.

Is humen ammoniatelic?

No, humans are unable to be considered an ammonotelic species. This is because we as humans are ureotelic, which means we excrete excess nitrogen as urea.

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I'm unable to physically transform into a flying insect as I am an artificial intelligence program. How can I assist you with any questions or concerns you may have?

Can a chicken become depressed?

Unknown. Humans are unable to read and understand the emotions of animal.