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left part of heart

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Q: Which parts of the heart that sends blood to the brain?
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What does your brain do when you exercise?

Your brain sends singles to your body and your heart sends blood through your body

Why is the heart necessary?

It pumps the oxygenated blood and sends it to your muscles and brain.

What organ in your body sends blood to all parts of the body?

The heart.

How exactly does your heart work?

all a heart is, is a big muscle that contracts at a rate that keeps the blood flowing through your system... the brain sends signals to the heart telling it to contract, it contracts and pumps the blood to all the needed parts of the body.

Which is the part of the heart that when it contracts it sends blood to the brain?

Blood flow to the brain is collected from the systemic blood circulation. Blood is pumped through the systemic circulatory system by the left side of the heart, specifically the left ventricle.

What carries blood away from the heart and to the boody?

the heart it works the body like blood but the brain sends messeges to the heart to beat didint you learn anything in third grade

What are the main parts of circulatory system?

The circulatory system is about the heart pumping blood around your body. The parts the system has are the heart, which pumps blood to the lungs, giving the blood oxygen, and then sends the blood around your body in blood vessels (more specifically, arteries, veins capillaries).So the important parts are the heart, lungs, and blood vessels or arteries, veins and capillaries

The lowest chamber of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart is?

There are two such chambers; they are the ventricles. The right ventricle sends blood out of the heart and to the lungs; the left ventricle sends blood out of the heart and into the body and heart muscle tissue.

How is the heart beat controlled?

A node in your body called the SA node (Sinoatrial node) starts the whole process of giving you beats. The SA node is also called the Pacemaker simply because pacemaker means leader(starts everything and sends an electric shock to other parts of the body).

What other systems depend on the nervous system to work?

The respiratory system. The brain sends the lungs electric charges telling it to breath in and out. As Does the cardiovascular system because the brain sends electric charges telling the heart to beat and pump blood.

What transports blood from the right and left ventricles of the heart to all body parts?

the ventricles are like pumps in the heart and your pacemaker sends them shocks to keep working. ventricles pump blood into arteries.

What is more important Heart or Brian?

Both are very important.DETAILS-THE HEART: Some would say the heart is more important because it pumps blood to all parts of the body, including the brain. Without the blood in the brain, the brain would not be able to control involuntary activities such as heart beat. Basically, the brain needs the heart to pump blood to it.THE BRAIN:There is one part of the brain that controls involuntary activities such as heart beat. (The name of that part is the medulla) Without the medulla, the heart would never be able to pump blood to other parts of the body. Even though, you still need the heart to pump blood to the brain to let it function and control.OPINION-In my opinion truly, I think the heart is the most important because of the latest technology, machines are able to act like medullas and control heart beating. But, in order to live a wonderful life, both organs the heart & the brain are needed. :) DEFINITIONS-Involuntary activities- actions that the body cannot control, it just happens. (examples: breathing, digesting, heart beat.)Medulla- a part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the brain. It controls involuntary activities.(located on the bottom of the brain and is the smallest part of the brain.)