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The parents of the Greek goddess Artemis were Zeus and Leto. Artemis was a virgin goddess and twin to Apollo.

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Q: Who Artemis parents?
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Who are the parents of Greek goddess Artemis?

The parents of twin archers, Artemis and Apollo, are Lota and Zeus. Artemis and Apollo were born on an island, under a single pomm tree.

Who were the parents Artemis?

Zeus and Leto.

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Artemis's fears were that her parents would make her marry a guy and then have children

Were Leto and Zeus the parents of Artemis?

Yes. Artemis' parents are Leto (mother) and Zeus (father). She also has a twin brother name Apollo.

Who were the parents of the character Artemis?

Zeus and Leto

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How old was the goddess Artemis before she became immortal?

Since both Artemis' parents were divine gods, Artemis was born as an immortal goddess.

How is Artemis related to gaia?

Gaia is the great grandmother of Artemis. Rhea and Phoibe are the daughters of Gaia and mothers of Zeus and Leto, who are the parents of Artemis.

Is Artemis the sister of Helios?

No, she is the older twin sister of Apollo though. Helios is the brother of Selene (the moon) and Eos (the dawn). His parents are Hyperion and Theia. Artemis' parents are Zeus and Leto.

Who were the parents of Leto the mother of Artemis and Apollo?

Artemis' parents are Leto (mother) and Zeus (father). Her only true sibling is her twin brother Apollo, but she has many half siblings such as Athena, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Hercules, Perseus, and Helen, since she is the daughter of Zeus.

Were Artemis' grandparents married?

Parents of Zeus: Rhea and Cronus Parents of Leto: Coeus and Phoebe And yes, they were "married" in the sense that they had children together.