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Q: Who continued Leonardo da vinci inventions?
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What Men of the Renaissance was known equally for his art as well as inventions?

Leonardo da Vinci

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What has Leonardo da Vinci been remembered for?

Leonardo da Vinci will be remembered for his art, maths, and science inventions he intended to invent.

What is Leonardo da Vinci's most famous inventions?

diving suit

How did Leonardo da Vinci's inventions help change my life?

Only you can answer that.

Who draw a picture of monalisa?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo's most famous inventions?

Leonardo da Vinci's most famous inventions are the tank,flying machine,and the machine gun

How long did it take Leonardo da Vinci to think of his inventions?

It is impossible to know.

Where did Leonardo da Vinci invent the majority of his inventions?

Mainly in Florence and Milan.

What effect has Leonardo da Vinci?

most of his inventions are used every day

Who of the Renaissance was known equally for his art as well as inventions?

Leonardo da vinci

Leonardo da Vinci's contributions to the world around him?

Paintings and inventions.