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Q: Who discovered paint?
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When did Plato discover paint?

Plato discovered paint in 401 BC when he was 28.

Who was the first to discover paint?

it maybe or not might be discovered in the 16'00s and earlier

Why did the Spaniards call the Visayans as the Pintados?

On first being discovered by the Spaniards they were named "Pintados" (root word Pinta means Paint) because they used to paint their bodies.

Why paint on rocks during the old stone age?

because paper was not discovered during those days

When was the first cro-magnon writing discovered?

Cro-Magnon didn't write. But they did paint on cave walls.

Who did discovered cobalt?

Cobalt was discovered by Calvin Legette in 1735. Some of the most common uses for cobalt are: Blue paint for ceramics and glass, Magnets, and cutting tools. Cobalt salt can also be used as an anti-corrosion material.

Who discovered the Vanishing Point Perspective in Art?

Check out Albrecht Dürer to say who "discovered" it, but Durer is sure early, and he clearly understood mathematics, too.Neat example of his perspective work here Another answer: Brunelleschi discovered it abot 1415.

When did they have lead paint?

dont know when they stopped putting lead INTO paint but the use of lead paint in homes was banned in 1978

Where did john martin work before he was a painter?

he first started working as a Blacksmith with his father joseph Stella but eventually he became a farmer, while he was a farmer he discovered that he loves to paint.

Who invented glow in the dark paint?

I'm not that sure who invented glow in the dark, but German alchemist Hennig Brand discovered Phosphor, the main "ingredient" in glow in the dark things.

What part of the building is lead used?

Lead use to be used in plumbing, and eve-troughs and breather pipes, and as a paint pigment. But when they discovered lead to be rather poisonous use of it has been discontinued.

What is the ancient process of making paint and the purpose?

first, you grind soft minerals with a stone, or hand axe. Second, you mix it with animal fat Finally, you put the mixture into a bowel, and paint. The purpose? Easy, you want to make your own paint because your culture makes everything by themselves, not to waste money on cheap stores, or your a caveman that discovered time travel and transported yourself like millions of years to get to the future, which in our point of view, now, to get some modern paint. :)