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Good Question. Very simply; the answer to how one gets power is by getting voted into office. It is passed on when you get voted out of office and someone else replaces you.

A more complex answer is needed. We say in our democracy that, "all politics is local." That means that in order to be elected one has to know or be aware of the issues that go right down to the neighborhood level. And there are lots of ways you can acquire this knowledge and let people know you wish to serve in government.

One way, not being too factious, is to own a large, mobile barbecue pit and volunteer to cook for the neighborhood association or other local group. (now note here that you don't spend your own money on food that is grilled or smoked on the pit; just volunteer to purchase the right food and provide the grill.)

When you cook, everybody loves you. It is a good way to know your constituents.

Power in a democracy comes through other methods as well. And there are many levels of political strata in the United States (States, cities, towns, counties, etc.) But, even the President of the United States has to know people who know people in the neighborhoods.

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