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Christian Bernard

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Q: Who invented replacing the human heart?
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Related questions

Who invented the human heart?

God created the human heart. He is amazing!

What was invented in 1978?

There were a few things invented in 1978. These inventions include the artificial human heart, as well as the first computer spreadsheet.

What did Robert Jarvik do?

Invented the Jarvik artificial human heart, and I presume the medical procedure to 'install'

Who invented human bodies?

Human bodies were not 'invented'.

Who made a electrical device called a pacemaker for the human heart?

John hopps invented the first external pacemaker. Later Earl Bakken improved this pacemaker by making it battery powered. And then Wilson Greatbatch invented the first implantable pacemaker!

How is a cats heart the same as a human heart?

yes because it is a human heart

When was the heart detector invented?

IF you are alive, you have a heart

Is France high-tech?

Definitively high-tech. A good example is the Carmat company who invented and ran in early 2014 the first bioprothetic heart (an entirely artificial heart) in an human body.

What is the main difference between a human heart and a cows heart?

The cow heart is bigger than the human heart.

What is the artificial heart for?

the artificial heart is used to save human life when a human's heart fails.

Why were gene patents invented?

They were invented to protect the human inventions.. or human domain

Is the human heart an organ?

Nope. The human heart is a muscle not an organ.