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Q: Who painted the broken woman cubism?
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Who painted the woman with blue hat?

who, what, where, and which artistic time was the "woman with blue hat painted" ?it was drawn by picasso, it is a painting of a woman wearing a blue hat indoors in a chai, it was the cubism...Answer 2:No, it is not from Picasso's cubist period.

What are the facts about Cubism?

cubism artworks are broken into peaces

What artist painted with Cubism?

pablo picasso

What was the method pablo Picasso used when he painted the pictures?


Why Picasso painted cubism?

how picasso changed art history

What is Picasso's painting not in the cubism catigory?

Everything he painted from 1920 on.

When was Cassie Thinking About Cubism painted?

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What Style did Pablo Picasso use?

He changed styles during his whole career. Cubism was one of his early styles.

Was the 'Reservoir at Horta' painted in the cubist period?

Yes, at the very start of Cubism.

What year did Pablo Picasso paint - Self Portrait - Cubism?

Picasso painted quite a few self-portraits but never a really cubistic one. The ones painted in 1907 show traits which point to cubism coming.

How long did Cubism last?

The first paintings in the style we call analytical cubism were painted in 1908 by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. They changed their style into synthetical cubism in 1912-1915. Other artists painted in styles that may be seen as cubism until about 1925. There was two stages of cubism. they were the analytic cubism and synthetic cubism. analytic was the early form of cubism, it lasted from 1907 to 1911. it was a short movement but it was important. The second movement was until 1919 that was until surrealism became more popular.

How did Pablo Picasso like to paint?

he painted in the style of cubism but also done some sculpters