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I just Googled it now and it seems that the site you can buy it from is called Zerowarts. I think it's only available online. Good luck, hope this helps.

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Q: Who sells over the counter medicine for genital warts?
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Does over the counter wart medicine treat hpv?

"Genital warts must be treated by your doctor. Warts in the genital area can be removed, but there's no cure for the viral infection that causes the warts. This means that the warts may come back even after they have been removed." source:

Can you get Genital warts?

You can be reinfected with genital warts in the future. HPV vaccination can lower the risk.

Are hpv and genital warts the same?

Yes they are; HPV is the virus that causes genital warts.

What is Genital warts?

No it is not.

If i have warts should i see a doctor without insurance or purchase treatment online?

Depands. If these warts at hand, you may go with over the counter medication. For the genital warts, if the persist longer than a year, a doctor's visit would be very helpful. Be reminded that, genital warts are highly contagious and some types of it are the cause of cervical cancer in women.

What is cauliflower refers to as STD?

HPV or genital warts is often cauliflower shaped.

What is the C1N1?

genital warts

Can you get rid of Genital warts?

Genital warts typically go away on their own. Treatments are available to get rid of them faster.

Can a female with HPV give a male genital warts?

Yes women with HPV give men genital warts.

Can a wart on your finger cause genital warts?

No, finger warts are not caused by the same subtype of HPV that causes genital warts.

Does Genital warts run in families?

Genital warts don't run in the family; you must come into contact with the virus to be infected.

Is there a vaccine for common warts?

No, only for genital warts like Giardasil.