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Because what may be "polluted" to humans can be the ideal environment for some plants and animals to thrive.

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Q: Why Do Plants Grow in Polluted Lakes And Ponds?
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What kind of plants are in ponds and lakes?

Plants that grow in water are called aquatics.

Where do water lilies grow?

They grow In ponds and lakes In slow moving or still fresh water.

Why do plants grow near ponds?

they grow near ponds because they have water in which the plants need to live

Which plants live in fresh water?

Freshwater plants grow in ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. Most have roots which anchor them in the mud at the bottom. Their stems grow through the water and their leaves and flowers open above the water's surface.

Can plants grow on chemically polluted soil?

yes, but it will take them soo long to grow

How do ponds and lakes change?

they change over time Generally, ponds get full of dead matter and become a marsh. Eventually (don't hold your breath) trees will grow.

Does plants in lakes grow in the profundal zone?

Sunlight doesn't reaches this zone so no plants are able to grow.

In which ways have vascular plants evolved?

There are tons of ways that these plants evolved, but only one BIG change, they can drink their water, and live away from the rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams. They can grow where they thing is best suited to their needs.naww, the real answer is gymnosperms, bryophytes, angiosperms.

What types of plants grow in freshwater lakes?

lillypads easy

Are the single-cell algae that grow in lakes and ponds zooplankton?

No, algae are not zooplankton, because zooplankton are animals and algae is a plant.

Why is nitrogen important in the soil?

plants need nitrogen to grow thats why in ponds there is alot of plants cuz the nitrogen runs off from the fields!!

What is the difference in size between a pond and a lake?

A lake's water is deeper than six feet, so no plants can grow at the bottom of the deepest parts. So, you can have a really large pond or a really small lake. It all depends on depth, which also influences temperature. Ponds are more stable; lakes will layer (or stratify). The plants influence dissolved oxygen, which varies in ponds and is more stable in lakes.