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Q: Why are earthquakes and volcanoes threaten in the Andes?
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Earthquakes and volcanoes threaten the Andes because two tectonic plates meet at the region's edge true or false?


What natural phenomena are the Andes noted for?

earthquakes and volcanoes

Are there volcanoes or earthquake in Chile?

nevado volcano in peru There are many volcanoes in Peru. The west of Peru lies on the Andes, which run along western South America. There are many volcanoes in the Andes, some of them (more than 15) in Peru.

Were is there no earthquakes or volcanoes?

THERE is no earthquakes or volcanoes in space or in europe

How many volcanoes are in the Andes?

there are 50 volcanoes

What are the primary dangers of volcanoes and earthquakes and earthquakes?

*volcanoes Earthquakes and vOlcanoes can cause much damage among an area if it's shaken to pieces.

Is release to do with volcanoes or earthquakes?


Are there any volcanoes or earthquakes in Iraq?

Iraq experiences earthquakes but does not have any volcanoes.

Are there volcanoes in the Amazon?

No. Howevere, there are volcanoes in the Andes to the west of the Amazon.

Did India ever experience earthquakes or volcanoes?

India has volcanoes and regularly experiences earthquakes.

Why are there no volcanoes or earthquakes in Scotland?

Scotland is situated on a stable tectonic plate, far from any plate boundaries where volcanic or seismic activity typically occurs. The lack of volcanic activity means there are no active volcanoes in Scotland. While Scotland does experience occasional minor earthquakes, they are usually of low magnitude due to the area's stable geological conditions.

Are the Andes still volcanically active?

Yes. There are a number of active volcanoes in the Andes.