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The simplest form of an element is an atom. Subatomic particles are not a form of the element; they are a "building block" of an element.

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Q: Why are the subatomic particles not considered the simplest form of an element?
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What matter is in an element?

The only matter in a stable element is at least one of each of the two stable electrically charged subatomic particles, protons and electrons, and except for an atom of the isotope hydrogen-1, at least one neutron, the uncharged stable subatomic particle. The numbers of protons and electrons must be the same. Artificial elements may contain other subatomic particles such as positrons. (The subatomic particles themselves are considered to be composed of quarks, which could be called sub-subatomic particles, but quarks are not usually considered to be matter since they can not exist in isolation for more than very small fractions of a second.)

How do subatomic particles tells you what element it is?

The number of protons determines what is the element.

What substances are in iron?

Iron is an is made up of subatomic particles.

The atomic mass of an element is the weight of what subatomic particles?

The protons and neutrons.

What is the only element that does not contain all three subatomic particles?


Which subatomic particles identifies an atom as that of a particular element?

the proton

What are the three types of atoms that make up an element?

An atom and an element are synonyms. Rather, subatomic particles make up atoms (and elements). The three types of subatomic particles are neutrons, protons, and electrons.

What are the subatomic particles of manganese?

Subatomic particles are the same for all substances that exist everwhere. So to ask "What are the subatomic particles of manganese?" is really not a good question. Manganese is an element. And like all elements, it is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of.......subatomic particles! (Moledule)(Cation)(Ion)===>Element====>Atom====>Subatomic particle The are three basic subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. If you really want to get anal about it, you can also find out what neutrons are made up of. I would tell you, but I forgot!

Which element is the outside of the atom?

Electrons are the subatomic particles ouside the nucleus of the atom.

What are positiely charged subatomic particles?

Of the hundreds of subatomic particles, many have an electric charge. The best-know particle with a positive charge is the proton. Subatomic particles are considered only protons, neutrons, electrons. The other particles form the large group of elementary particles (which includes also p, n and e).

As you move across the periodic table for left to right each element gains one proton and one?

Electron. In a stable element the number of protons (+ charged subatomic particles) must match the number of electrons (- charged subatomic particles) and neutrons (neutral or uncharged subatomic particles). At least that's how I remember it from my school days.