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Why can the pulse be felt in certain areas of the body like wrist neck and hollow of the elbow

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11y ago

because of the path of the circulation of the blood going into the diff. parts of the body..... =))))

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Q: Why can the pulse be felt in certain areas of the body like wrist neck and hollow of the elbow?
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Why can pulse be felt in certain areas of the body like the wrist neck and hollow of the elbow?

because theres a pulse there....this is the right answer

Why can the pulse be felt in certain areas of the body the wrist neck and hollow of the elbow?

Because there is an artery close to the skin there.

Why can pulse be felt in certain areas of the body like wrist neck and hollow of the elbow?

Because there is an artery close to the skin there.

Why can the pulse be felt in certain areas of the body like the wristneck and hollow of the elbow?

Places where an artery is close to the surface of the body.

Why can pulse be felt in certain areas of the body like the wristneck and hollow of the elbow?

Pulse can be felt where ever you can palpate the artery. Doctors normally palpate the radial artery at the wrist neck, because it can be felt well against the bone.

Why can the pulse be felt in certain a Areas of the body like wristneckand the hollow of elbow?

They are places where veins and/or blood vessels pass close enough to the surface of the skin - for someone to feel the blood pulsing through the body.

Where is the Pulse of an infant found?


What is the pulse point that is located in the bend of the elbow?

the brachial artery

Why can a pulse be more easily found in certain parts of the body?

They are areas where an artery runs relatively close to the skin and you can palpate the distension of the artery as the pulse of blood passes by.

What is the pulse on your chest called?

It's called the apical pulse. For future reference: Radial pulse - at your wrist next to your thumb on both arms. Carotid pulse - at your neck. Apical pulse - at your chest. Brachial pulse - anticubital (opposite of the elbow side).

What are pulse points?

Pulse points are places on your body where your arteries are so close to the surface that you can feel your pulse. The easiest to find pulse points are the brachial (inside of the elbow), radial (wrist), and carotid (neck).

What are the pulse?

The pulse can be felt in several locations on the body.The radial pulse point is on the thumb side of the inner surface of the wrist.The brachial artery pulse point is on the inner medial surface of the elbow, at the antecubital space (crease of elbow).The carotid pulse felt in the carotid artery of the neck when pressure is applied.The femoral point, located midway in the groin.The Dorsalis Pedis on the instep of the foot and the Popliteal at the back of the knee.