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Q: Why cannot a human can see things near than 25 cm?
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A human being cannot be part anything, other than human.

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It cannot. They did not have books to learn from.

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Human cells are more complex than a paramecium. They are capable of doing more things than the single-celled paramecium.

Do robots do things more accuratly than humans?

Only if a human shows them how.

How do your needs compare with those of other living things?

it cares because the other living things don't have a life a body and they are not human, but we are human that's why our needs matter more than them .

What is Waldo Tobler's First Law of Geography?

("everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things").

Why are animals able to hear or smell materials that human cannot?

Some animals can hear and small things that people cannot because they have more nerves in their nose and ears, a better structure in more or ear for gathering the sound or smells, and devote more of their brain to the sense of smell or hearing than to people.

What the purpose of a microscope?

The purpose of a microscope is to see microorganisms and to enlarge objects than cannot be seen with human eyes.

Are there still some things that human beings can do that sales force automation softward cannot?

Sales force automation is widely used, and if the right software is used, better than before. Computer glitches are the only reason that humans may be better. Sales force automation has taken out the human error.

Can humans be sinless?

No. Humans cannot be sinless while they are on earth. Those that are believers will be sinless when they get to Heaven. But No. A human cannot go more than a day without sin.