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There would have been a leg injury and the paramedic wanted to ensure there was circulation distal (below) the injury.

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Q: Why did paramedic check her dorsalis pedis pulse?
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What is the pulse on the foot?

Dorsalis pedis (top of foot) & Posterior tibial (behind ankle on inside of foot)

Why would the dorsalis pedis pulse be taken?

to fly

Why is a dorsalis pedis pulse checked?

on the top of the foot.

Is it common for a knee injury patient have a dorsalis pedis pulse taken as a vital sign?

Yes, it is common.

Where is the dorsalis pedis pulse location?

The dorsalis pedis artery pulse can be palpated readily lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon (or medially to the extensor digitorum tendons) on the dorsal surface of the foot, distal to the dorsal most prominence of the navicular bone which serves as a reliable landmark for palpation.

What is a pedial pulse?

Pulse located at the anterior (frontal) area of the foot. The pulse is created by the force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteria dorsalis pedis.

Which pulse pressure point has the greatest amplitude and why?

The common carotid artery - because it's closest to the heart.

Why did the doctor check the dorsalis pedis pulse?

It's used - to check that the circulatory system is supplying blood to the foot. Failure to locate it can indicate there is a problem further up the limb (such as a clot etc).

Where can you found the 11 pulses?

Temporal, Radial, Dorsalis Pedis, Anterior Tibial, Apical pulse, Ulnar pulse, brachial pulse, Carotid pulse, Femoral pulse, Popliteal pulse, Posterior Tibialis pulse.

What is the artery palpated on the dorsum of the foot?

In the human, the dorsalis pedis artery is the blood vessel carrying oxygen to the dorsal or upper surface of the foot. To feel or palpate the dorsalis pedis pulse, place the fingers mid foot where the ankle meets the foot. Dorsiflexion (toes up - not pointed down) increases the chances of feeling this pulse.

What is the pulse in the leg called?

The leg has several pulses. The pulse in the groin fold is the femoral artery. The pulse felt behind the knee is the popliteal pulse. The pulses in the feet are the dorsalis pedis and the posterior tibial pulse.

Where are the pulses taken in the lower extremities?

There are 4 pulses that are palpable on the lower extremities:femoral pulse (thigh)popliteal pulse (back of the knee)posterier tibial (behind the ankle)dorsalis pedis (top of the foot)