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Not appearing at the Diet of Worms

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Q: Why did the Church excommunicate Luther in 1521?
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When did Martin Luther take over the Christian church?

Martin Luther never took over the Christian Church, he was excommunicated from it in 1521 in the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem: Papal Bull on the Condemnation and Excommunication of Martin Luther, the Heretic, and his Followers, January 3, 1521.

To force one out of the church is to them-?

To force one out of the church is to _______ them.

How do you use excommunicate in a sentence?

The old Catholic church would excommunicate people for crimes against the Church.

To force one out of the church is to?

excommunicate them (;

What declaration caused Martin Luther to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church due to his Ninety-Five Theses, which he posted on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517. In these theses, Luther criticized the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church, questioning its authority and practices. This led to a chain reaction of events that ultimately resulted in Luther's excommunication in 1521.

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The word for being expelled from the church?


Why was the condemnation of Luther in 1521 at Worms not enforced by the German nobility?

Because several German princes were Protestant as well and opposed the Catholic Church.

Why did Leo X excommunicate Luther?

because he decided to start a fake religion

When was Martin Luther officially excommunicated by the Catholic Church?

.Catholic AnswerThe Bull, Decet Romanum Pontificem (It please the Roman Pontiff) excommunicated the heretic, Martin Luther, was issued on January 3, 1521.

What was a reasonable for the reformation?

The Church was threatening to excommunicate the king of France.

Who can excommunication ans individula?

The Pope can excommunicate an individual from the Church.