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Matter-Antimatter reactions are not chemical reactions. They are very complex sub-atomic reactions, and the nature of the annihilation depends on the matter and anti-matter in the reaction.

One of the simplest matter-antimatter annihilations is between an electron and a positron (an anti-electron). The electron has a negative charge and the positron has a positivecharge. When they come in to contact (under the right conditions) they must annihilate, since one cancels out the other.

However matter cannot simply dissappear, so it must be converted to energy via E = mc^2 where E is the energy released, m is the combined mass of the electron and positron, and c is the speed of light.

In the case of the electron-positron annihilation this results in two gamma rays of a certain energy.

As the size and complexity of the matter-antimatter reactions increases so does the complexity of the reactions.

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Q: Why do antimatter and matter react when they touch what's the chemistry of it?
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What is anti-matter?

AntimatterAntimatter could be considered the opposite of "normal" matter. We know that the matter that is all around us and makes us up is built of atoms, and these atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. In antimatter, atoms would be constructed of anti-protons, anti-neutrons and anti-electrons (which we know as positrons). As electrons orbit a nucleus of protons and neutrons in the "regular" matter we know, positrons would orbit a nucleus of anti-protons and anti-neutrons to make up antimatter atoms. We currently use anti-electrons (positrons) on a regular basis in the medical application we know as PET imaging. Additionally, we use anti-protons in nuclear research. The Large Hadron Collider runs with protons and antiprotons circulating in the acceleration ring (in opposite directions), and then "collided" in an experimental area packed with sensors and detectors.It should be noted that matter and antimatter don't "like" each other. Any "contact" between the two leads to mutual annihilation. In the case of the positron, which is produced in beta plus decay, that positron will eventually "run into" an electron, and mass of the two particles will be entirely converted into energy. Links have been included for further investigation, and you'll find them below.

How do you know if 2 lines are parallel?

BEcause no matter how far they spread or how long you draw them, as long as they continue straight, they will never touch.

What is the recipe for the smores achievement on more cupcakes app for iPhone-iPod touch?

the recipe is chocolate cake , with gram cracker crumbs and marshmallow it doesn't matter what cup you use but don't use any icing then eat it and your done :D

Is beryllium safe to touch?

No! Do not touch it. If you do you will get bured very badly. And will have to go to the doctor.

Who sings don't touch my truck?

Kevin Fowler sings Don't Touch My TruckThank you!

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Give one example that is not matter?

Everything that we see and touch is matter. The only thing that is not matter is antimatter. See the link below.

What is an example of a antiparticle?

Theres really no example, antimater is an opposite of matter. Scientists have ceated a antimater particle by smashing energy into matter at the spped of light, 2 particles are always created this way: matter and anti matter. once matter collides with antimatter, they tranform into energy through annhilation. We want to use this energy to power and heat our homes in the future. but if anti matter the size of your hand touched matter, which includes anything in this universe, it could destroy whole continents because there is mass energy realeased. scientists make sure that only a speck of anti matter is used to make energy. But if antimatter cant touch matter, how did they conserve it, well they want to put an electo shield inside a vacum with no matter, this elecro flow makes the antimatter hover, not touching the walls of the container, which is matter

What is origin of antimatter?

The origin of antimatter on earth today is the Hadron-collider at CERN in Switzerland. There they have a large ring (several kilometers in diameter) that they use to study and discover small, new particles to learn more about how our Universe was created and what happened during the Big Bang. At CERN, they send protons in each direction in the ring with very high speed. They then collide, and then some antimatter is produced from the destroyed protons. The amount of antimatter produced, however, is a very small amount, and it will take millions of years before we get even 1 gram of antimatter! However, in the early Universe, very shortly after the Big Bang, there were extremely high amounts of antimatter. At that time, there were equally amounts of matter and antimatter (roughly 50% of each). There was, however, a small imbalance between them. For every 100 million antiparticles there were, there were 101 million particles. As you probably know, matter and antimatter have opposite charges, spin, color charges etc. If they touch each other, they get annihilated in a shower of pure energy. Albert Einstein figured out that there was much energy in matter, relating to his well known formula E= mc2. That's very high amounts of energy! If you had transformed 1 gram of matter into energy, you would have enough energy to power your house for 1 year. We're talking about lots of energy here! The superpowers used Einstein's formula to create fission bombs (atom bombs), and fusion bombs (hydrogen bombs). These converted only a small amount of matter into energy. If there had existed an antimatter bomb, all of the antimatter would have reacted to matter, thus converting all of the antimatter and the matter that reacted with it to energy. While an atom bomb only has an efficiency of 0,01%, a hydrogen bomb would have an efficiency of 1%. An antimatter bomb would have an efficiency of 100%!

What is matter and antimatter changed into if they touch?

They would annihilate each other equally. Every electron that encounters a positron (the antimatter equivelant to an electron), every proton that encounters an antiproton and every neutron that encounters an anti-neutron would completely annihilate; both the matter and antimatter particle would fully transform into energy with no residual matter (nor antimatter) if the touch were somehow perfect.The amount of energy produced is enormous for even a small amount of matter/antimatter annihilation. The amount of energy released is dependent on how much matter and antimatter annihilate each other based on Einstein's famouse equation, e = mc2, which means energy (e) is equal to mass (m) times the square of the speed of light (c). Since light is incredibly fast, squaring it is a huge multiplier to mass. Nuclear fission (atomic bombs) and nuclear fusion (hydrogen bombs) generate their energy based on this same formula, but only a relatively small amount of the matter used in fission or fusion is converted into energy. By comparison, all of the matter and antimatter that come into contact will convert into energy, so the power of an explosion resulting from a matter/antimatter annihilation would be many times more energetic than even a hydrogen bomb of similar mass.The largest bomb ever detonated in the history of manking was the Tsar Bomba, a fusion or h-bomb which yielded an explosive force of 50 million tonnes of TNT. The bomb itself weighed 27,000 kilograms.By comparison, if you had a combined total of 27,000 kilograms of matter and antimatter, and created an annihilation bomb (putting all of the matter and antimatter into contact with each other), the resulting explosion would be1,159,920 megatonnes (or 1.15992 teratonnes) or more than twenty-three thousand times as powerful as the Tsar Bomba! This is huge, but wouldn't quite destroy the earth though it could certainly exterminate a lot of life. The "dinosaur killer" asteroid, estimated to have been maybe 15 kilometers across and striking the earth at 20 km/s, was more than four thousand times as powerful as this.

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If you can see it, taste it, touch it, etc., it is made of matter. So yes, a car is made of matter. You can see it and touch it.

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To see how you/they react.

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Matter is anything that takes up space and is either a solid, liquid, or gas

What system makes you react when you touch something sharp?

Your nervous system.