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Q: Why do the right side of the lung have more lobes than the left side?
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How many lobes do the right and left lung have?

The right lung contains three lobes. The left lobe only has two. Because of the heart on the left side, the left lung only has two lobes to make more room for the heart to pump on that side.

How do the seven lobes of the cat lung compare with humans?

A cat has 7 lobes of the lung. The right side has 3; the right apical, right cardiac, and right diaphragmatic. The left also has 3; the left apical, left cardiac, and left diaphragmatic. There is one lobe directly in between both sides called the intermediate lobe.

How right and left lungs are different?

The Left lung is smaller and has only two lobes, but the right lung is bigger and has three lobes also has less room because youe heart is located on your left side so thats why it is smaller and lighter.

How many parts make up each lung?

Each lung has more than one "lobe" or section. The right lung has three, and the left lung has only two to leave room for the heart where the upper left lobe would be.

Are the 2 lungs the same?

The left lung only has 2 lobes (superior and inferior) because the heart takes up much of the space allowed on the left side. The right lung; however, has 3 lobes (Superior, Middle, and Inferior). Yes. The left lung is a little less voluminous than the right lung. It has two lobes, whereas the right lung has three. Its volume is displaced a bit more, by the location of the heart, than the right lung.

Why is there 2 lobes on the left lung and 3 lobes on the right?

There are two lungs simply called the left and right lungs. These large structures take up most of the Thoracic Cavity which changes tize in order to pull air in or push it out of the lung. The right lung has three Lobes (parts that sit on top of each other) While the left lung has only 2. This is because the left ventricle of the heart sits over to the left and takes up some of the space the left lung would otherwise inhabit. The left lung has a curved gap for the heart called the Cardiac Notch.because the heart is there

Which bronchi is longer?

No because the lungs are slightly different in size. The left lung is smaller and has two lobes. The right lung is larger and has three lobes. This difference is mainly due to the heart occupying more space on left side of the thoracic cavity.

What is a right lung?

You can tell if its a right lung or not simply by looking at two structures. The right lung has three lobes and the left only two. Also, the heart is more towards the left side of the body so there is a bigger "indent" on the left lung.

How big is a lung?

Answer they hold about 6 leters of airthey are about 10-14 inches. They have to fill up your entire rib cage.

Name the two structures that leave permanent imprints in the lobes of the left lung of humans?

it depends which lung you are talking about. On the mediastinal suface right lung there is imprints from the superior vena cava and diaphragm and in the left is the arch of the aorta. Both have cardiac impression more notable on left lung.

What is different about your left lung and your right lung?

There is no middle lobe on the left lung and the right lung is shorter than the left lung.Differences between Left & Right LungsRight LungLeft LungHeavier (625 gram)Lighter 565 (gram)Shorter & wider due to upwardcompression by liverLonger & narrower due to sidecompression by heartHas oblique & horizontal fissureHas only horizontal fissureConsists of 3 lobes: Upper,middle & lowerConsists of 2 lobes: upper &lowerBase more concave by livercompressionBase less concaveAnterior border is completeAnterior border showsCardiac notchLingual (at 6th costal cartilage)Hilum contains two bronchi:EparterialHyparterialHilum contains one bronchusonlyHilum contains one bronchialartery onlyHilum contains two bronchialarteries lungLeft lungHeavierLighterShorter & wider due to upward compression by liverLonger & narrower due to side compression by heartHas oblique & horizontal (transverse) fissureOnly has oblique fissureThree lobes: upper, middle, and lowerTwo lobes: upper and lowerBase more concave by liver compressionBase less concaveHilum: 2bronchi, 2pulmonary arteries, and 2 pulmonary veinsHilum: one bronchus, 2pulmonary arteries, and 2 pulmonary veins

Why is the heart not on the center-line of the body?

Your heart is not on the center line of your body for several reasons. Your left ventricle has to pump a lot stronger than the right ventricle. Your left ventricle has to pump blood all over your body. Your right one just pumps blood to your lungs which are right there. The right side is smaller than your left side. Since the right side of your heart is smaller than the left side of your heart, that makes more room on the right side of your chest. Since your body will have more room on the right side of your chest than on the left side, that means your lung will have more room on your right side. Still, it will not have enough room to do anything. But, if It moves your heart a little bit more over to the left, it can put a lobe in your lung to the right. That way your lung can have three lobes on the right side and two lobes on the left side.