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It tells the rights of the U.S. citizens, and what they have the right to do. It gives the citizens some power.

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Q: Why does the US have a Bill of Rights?
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What is the difference in US Bill of Rights and State of Michigan's Bill of Rights?

the US Bill of Rights is for everyone but the State of Michigan's Bill of Rights only counts in Michigan. So i you went other places your rights would be different except for the rights in the US bill of rights.

What is the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

How many Bill Of Rights are the same as the US?

3 bill of rights

What rights are guaranteed by the US Constisution and the Bill of Rights?

to rights are of the bill of RIGHTS is congress on the house of representives!

Where is the individual rights found in the US Constitution?

The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights

Why was the us Constitution amended to include the bill of rights?

Why was the US Constitution amended to include all bill of rights

Why was the us constitution amended to include a bill of rights?

Why was the us constitution amended to include all bill of rights

What is the Bill of Rights and what rights does it give us?

the bill of rights gives you the freedom of speech and freedom of the press

How do you indentify the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

Who grants us your rights?

Our rights are in the constitution. Given in the Bill of Rights.

What was guaranteed by most state constitution's?

The original Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.

Why was The Bill of Rights added to the the US Constitution?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.