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They move because of the tectonic plates of the Earth.

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Q: Why does the shape of the Earth's ocean and continents continue to change?
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Does the earths crust extend deeper below the continents or below the ocean basins?

Earths crust extend deeper below the continents than below the oceans basins (or at least this is what I think).

Does the ocean or the continents cover more of the earths surface?

The world is about 30% land and about 70% water

What does the geosphere do?

Technically it does nothing. Geosphere is all of the features on earths surface. (continents, ocean floors etc.)

Some scientists theorize that continental movements may cause climate changes by?

Ok, so the movement of the continents changed location of land and sea, therefore changing the wind patterns and ocean currents, slowly changing climate globally. Also, as the continents continue to move, climates will also continue to change.

What is the thickness of the crust at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?

the earths crust is 25 miles beneath the continents and 6.5 miles beneath the ocean

Which earths layer includes the land that that make up the continents and land under the ocean?

this is the crust which is the very thin layer which has land in the water

Which earths layer includes the land that make up the continents and land under the ocean?

this is the crust which is the very thin layer which has land in the water

How are ocean waves a force of gradual change to the earths surface?

They slowly change the shoreline by moving sand.

What is a continental shift?

Continental drift is the idea that Wegener created, that all the continents were once a single landmass which he called Pangaea, and they have since drifted apart.

What are the continents not touched by the Pacific Ocean?

The continents that do not have Pacific Ocean coasts are Europe and Africa.

How do scientists think the oceans are likely to change in the future?

Along with ocean's forming is that the land mass was all those continents were connected at one time it was Pangaea.With time the Continents continued to separate.Today we know that the Continents are still moving apart from one another. We know that they move one or 10 centimeters every year. Since it moves some ocean's get bigger, but some Oceans as the Pacific Ocean gets smaller. With that i think all the continents will continue to move apart. They think that the oceans will rise, that can cause flooding and, because of the separating of the landmass there will also be earthquakes.