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Earth does have craters, but most of those that exist are heavily eroded, have been buried under sediment, or have been deformed by plate tectonics. Many more craters have been destroyed by these processes.

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12y ago

The friction of earths atmosphere denigrates craters.

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Q: Why doesn't the earth have craters?
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Related questions

Who has more craters the earth or the moon?

there are more craters on the moon then on earth

Do craters cover most of the Earth?

No. Earth has relatively few impacts craters.

Were the earth's craters caused by earthquakes?

Earth's craters have been created by Meteorites and Volcanoes.

Does earth have volcanoes craters rings valleys?

Earth has volcanoes, craters, and valleys but not rings.

Why is the earth not covered with craters?

The earth is not covered with impact craters because weather and geological activity erodes the craters away over time.

What does the formation of a crater follow?

There are craters formed by asteroids crashing into Earth. There are craters formed by volcanic explosions. There are craters formed by collapses in the Earth's crust.

How many craters Earth?

There are a huge number of craters on the Earth, including very small impact sites. There are about 65 named and documented craters on the planet.

What is the main reason that impact craters on the Moon last much longer than impact craters on earth?

Impact craters on the moon have no water/weather to erode the craters away, but on Earth the erosion erases the craters over time.

What object that is covered with craters orbits the earth?

The moon and Luna are the object that is covered with craters orbits the earth

Are mars craters bigger then Earth craters?

yes its like the moons

Does the surface of moon and earth both have craters?

yes. there are more craters on the moon because no atmosphere protects it from meteors or meteorites, but both the moon and the earth have craters

What burn up craters before they hit the earth?

Nothing burns up craters before they hit earth.