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"Donnadio," translates from Italian into English as gift from God. In The Creation of Adam, God reaches out to him and gives Adam life. Life is the gift from God.

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Q: Why is Michelangelo's The creation of Adam also called The Donnadio?
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By looking at Michelangelo's creation of Adam, it is evident that this is not typically his work.

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No, the original painting "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel has never been stolen. It is a famous fresco painting and is a significant work of art.

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The answer is; 1st off, he didn't paint it in the first place, Michelangelo did. 2nd, It's called the creation of Adam. 3rd, Adam has a belly button. Just thought I'd throw in a trick question for everyone to enjoy.

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Adam was created in the garden of Eden.

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He was inspired by stories from the Genesis on the Sistine ceiling. The creation of Adam is one of those.

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After his creation Adam was placed in the garden of eden.

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" Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." (Genesis 5:2 KJV)

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"The Creation of Adam" is a famous painting created by Michelangelo. It is assumed to show the Biblical sequence where God breathes life into the first man "Adam".

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Is God in the creation of Adam?

Yes god is.